I just wanted to provide a quick update on the 224.52 MHz WA4FC/R system (PL 74.4 hz).
- Repeater is on air for testing, with antenna only about 20 feet up next to shack. 25 watts out.
- It is periodically linked to the 444.275 MHz KG4YJB machine to create some traffic and work on the settings.
- Amp is still out for repair and can not be fixed. A brand NEW 12 volt, higher drive version is being sent as a replacement!
- We are continuing to learn and setup the Arcom repeater controller.
Several stations can hit the repeater, including N4MW from New Kent, KC4YVK from the north side of Richmond, and KG4HOT from his perch high in the blue ridge mountains. There is more testing to be done still, and of course the antenna needs to go up in the air! Stay tuned for more information!