Beacon frequency coordination

It’s pretty common knowledge to know about frequency coordination for repeater operations, but have you ever thought about coordination for beacon freqs? It sure makes sense. Here is a little detail on how to keep everyone happy.First, I had no idea there was any one person or organization that was coordinating things. The International Amateur Radio Union Region 2 has a person who coordinates HF beacons in our region. He is Bill Hayes, WJ5O, who is also a beacon operator and 10 meter enthusiast himself. When I contacted him for a suggested frequency, he mentioned that he has received five requests over the weekend for new beacon freqs. 10 meters should be interesting as soon as it opens! Just as a reminder, unattended beacon ops are only allowed on bands 10 meter and up.

You can see Bill’s extensive website and also the most comprehensive list of 10 meter beacons found anywhere on the internet. As far as we can tell, there isn’t a group coordinating frequencies for beacons on 6 meters or above, so study the lists and choose carefully. Best 73 !

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