With the warmer weather brings some small changes to life at the shack. For those of you that haven’t been by lately, let me know if you would like to come by sometime and partake in the contents of the refrigerator (and/or the ionosphere).
Doug has been busy jerkin his gerkin and working on building a better grounding system, and put his rods in the ground for each of the wire antennas, as well as built a nice box outside of the shack that will eventually house all of the hardline and lightning protection hardware. We’ve also got a new generator for op’s at the shack, and he has been busy rewiring the transfer switch, along with making sure the beer stays cold. All this while wearing his Air Supply shirt.
I’ve been working on replacing the repeater controller that handles the GMRS repeater (I consolidated and used the same controller handling the 220 system for now). Stay tuned for more news in the coming weeks.